Welcome to Impresso Text Preparation’s documentation!

Impresso Text Preparation is a library resulting from the merge of the previous package “Text-Importer” and the “Text-Rebuilder” from Impresso-pycommons. The goal for this merge was to regroup in one place all the code that was used as a first unified preparation for all data sources: creating the Impresso canonical and rebuilt formats from the data provided by partners.

This grouping means that there are two main modules to this library: - Importers: first step of data processing, they convert OCR and OLR data (coming in a variety of formats - e.g. Olive XML, various flavors of Mets/Alto XML, etc.) into Impresso’s unified Canonical JSON format , which represents Newspaper issues and pages. - Rebuilders: second step of the data processing where the content-items (articles, images, tables, headers etc) from the canonical format are extracted and “rebuilt” in preparation for the semantic augmentation and NLP processings that follow in the pipeline.

Indices and tables