Online workshop program

This is the new online program. All times are CEST.
Wed 22 April 2020 - Virtual Welcome
Zoom Tests and Short introduction to the conference:
16h00-16h10: zoom tests with panelists of session 1 and 2;
16h10-16h20: zoom tests with panelists of session 3-4-5;
16h20-16h30: short presentation of the workshop.
Thur 23 April 2020 - Digitisation of newspapers collections
10h00-11h30: SESSION 1 - In the forge of the digitised newspapers collections
Chair: Maud Ehrmann; Tech-co-chair: Estelle Bunout.
- Steven Claeyssens. Digitised Collections of Historical Publications as Bibliographic Objects: the Delpher Newspaper Case.
- Christoph Hanzig, Martin Munke and Michael Thoß. Digitizing and presenting a Nazi newspaper – the example “Der Freiheitskampf”.
- Giorgia Tolfo & Living with Machine team. Hunting for Treasure: Living with Machines and the British Library Newspaper Collection.
14h00-15h30: SESSION 2 - At first, there was OCR…
Chair: Simon Clematide; Tech-co-chair: Estelle Bunout.
- Impresso Team. Impresso project and interface: a brief overview
- Phillip Stroebel. Towards Large-Scale OCR for Historical Newspapers with Self-Trained Models.
- Andrew Torget. Mapping Texts: Examining the Effects of OCR Noise on Historical Newspaper Collections.
16h00-17h30: SESSION 3 - Second digital life of analogue newspaper topical collections
Chair: Marten Düring; Tech-co-chair: Maud Ehrmann.
- Martin Gasteiner and Andreas Enderlin. Crossing or Intersecting the Empero’s Desk with digitized Newspaper Data.
- Irene Amstutz and Martin Reisacher. Digital compass for 2.7 million historical newspaper clippings.
- Suzanna Krivulskaya. The Crimes of Preachers: Religion, Scandal, and the Trouble with Digitized Archives.
Frid 24 April 2020 - Historiographies with digitised newspapers
10h00-12h00: SESSION 4 - Emerging practices of historiography with digitised newspapers (1)
Chair: Frédéric Clavert; Tech-co-chair: Estelle Bunout.
- Monika Kovarova-Simecek. Cultural History of Financial News in Vienna (1771-1914) – A historical analysis using ANNO/ÖNB digital repository and ÖNBLabs.
- Hannu Salmi, Petri Paju and Heli Rantala. Cycles of Text Reuse in Finnish Newspapers and Periodicals, 1771–1920: Ontological and epistemological perspectives.
- Pierre-Carl Langlais. Classified news. Redefining the history of newspaper genre with massive supervised classification.
- Melvin Wevers. Historical Advertisements in Digitized Newspapers as a Lens on the Past.
14h00-15h30: SESSION 5 - Emerging practices of historiography with digitised newspapers (2)
Chair: Estelle Bunout; Tech-co-chair: Maud Ehrmann
- Sarah Oberbichler. Challenges and Pitfalls when working with Digital Newspaper Collections - an Example on the Topic “Return Migration” and the AustriaN Newspapers Online (ANNO) Platform.
- Tobias von Waldkirch. Le locuteur je comme principe d’organisation du discours dans les correspondances particulières du Journal de Genève au XIXe siècle : l’exemple de la couverture de guerre.
- Pelle Snickars. Measuring “the political” in Swedish newspaper data during the 1960s and 1970s.
15h45-16h15: Conclusion